Friday, April 1, 2011

Kings and Pacers!

Okay so I'm pretty sure this is the last post of the season about Pacer basketball!  So you should be able to handle yet ANOTHER blog about my boys!  And another big, huge, GIGANTIC thank you to my friends, Alan and Beth for making it possible!  Row 4 behind the hoop is pretty darn awesome.  I have the photos to prove it!  But guess what?  We forgot to set up the dvr to record the game.  GASP.  I know.  So there is actually NO proof that I was at the game.  And I'm sure we were on tv.  I'm just sure of it.  Oh well!  We had a great time (despite the rather large whooping the Kings delivered to the Pacers).  Blake got Larry Bird's autograph.  And Lola was once again able to see her beloved Boomer (the mascot)!  YAY for basketball!

Lola and I before the game!  She always closes her eyes when having her photo taken!  She's so silly!

Warming up!  Hello, Tyler! :)

My man, Francisco Garcia patting Tyler H. on the head!

Former Louisville player, Francisco Garcia!

DeMarcus Cousins (for my UK fan friends)!

Better picture of Cousins.

DeMarcus Cousins giving Francisco Garcia the stink eye.

Larry Bird's autograph.
**Oh, and did I mention I got to MEET Francisco Garcia?  Yeah.  He was awesome.** 

APRIL FOOLS!!!!  Of course I had to have some sort of prank in this post! :)

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