Thursday, April 14, 2011


Well, I didn't bowl any stirkes.  In fact, the pro bowling league will not be phoning me up any time soon (EVER)!!!  I can't believe how bad I am at bowling!  Alas, Blake wanted to go!  So for his last day of spring break, we headed to Pinheads.  Where I bowled.....really poorly.  Blake won both games.  Yeah.  For reals.  I guess that means Billy isn't much better than me (he's not....)!  Lola had a little bit of fun.  Until the end.  When I had to stop bowling and chase her around the alley.  Yeah.  Always fun!


Gentry said...

1st time I went bowling, in my back swing I let the ball go and it nearly hit my friend's mom. Maybe you guys can have the gutter blockers put up next time for the "kids". :)

Keaton Stein said...

Thank you for writting this