Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hockey Time!

I haven't been to a hockey game in YEARS.  And secretly, I've always been a tad frightened of getting hit (and killed) with an errant puck.  Well, I put my fears aside and returned to the minor league hockey scene.  Thanks to our friends, Beth and Alan, we got super great seats!  It wasn't cold, I didn't get hit with a puck (not even close), and we had a GREAT time!  Oh, and I love watching the zamboni.  And I often wished I could drive one!  So if you know anyone with connections....just sayin'!!!

Blake was super excited to go to his first hockey game.  He was sitting on the edge of his seat.  And unlike me, he was hoping to catch a fast-flying puck.  Until I explained that it would hurt.  A lot.  Then he was okay just kicking back and watching the players.  He was also very interested in the fights.  Although there weren't that many.  My favorite entertainment bit for the evening?  Whoever was doing the music at the game.  When a fight would start, "Keep 'Em Separated" would come on.  When a silly foul was called, "Innocent Man" would pipe in.  I giggled.  And wished I had that job.....

Lola had a blast!  She, of course, was very interested in the mascot.  She was hoping for Boomer (the Pacers' mascot) but what she got was a big old snow monster thing (the Indiana Ice is the name of the team).  I guess they couldn't use an ice cube or something for a mascot.  So a Yeti thing would have to do.  And I think his name was Big-E-Foot or something cool like that! :)

I am now a converted hockey fan.  And I may or may not be going to an NHL game in a couple weeks.  Okay, I am.  But it's a surprise for Blake so don't tell! :)  Maybe one day I will get to sit in the first row at a game.  I will pounding on the glass like the rest (best) of them!  And heckling the players in the penalty box.  GO HOCKEY!  I kinda love you now!  (Who couldn't love a sport that plays all kinds of AC/DC at their games?!?) 


Gentry said...

Isn't AC/DC an essential part of any sporting event? I have always wanted to go to a hockey game too.

The Clayburn Family said...

I love hockey!!! Growing up in Minnesota, that is kind of a given! I have been to tons of games. The high school games were always so much fun. We also went to several North Star games when I was growing up. Good times! Sure wish we could enjoy that sport in this area. Have fun in a few weeks and mums the word!!

Kristen said...

Very exciting!! And I'm loving Billy's hat.:)