Monday, March 21, 2011


I almost forgot to write this post tonight.  Hmmm.....what does that mean?  It could mean that I can't think of five things that are making me happy!  But listen, you should ALWAYS be able to find at least FIVE things that are making you happy!  So I'm going to (wo)man up and write this post-haste!

1.  How could I NOT be happy that the weather was AWESOME today?!?  I loved it!  It was warm and it was sunny!  I love you, Spring (Billy, don't be jealous)!  We all love Spring!

2.  I'm happy because I'm watching a show with a super cute baby on it.  And A LOT of my friends are pregnant!  YAY for new babies!  And may my sickly pregger friends feel better soon!!! :)  Oh, and no.....I'm not having a baby or wanting to have a baby!  Sorry!

3.  I'm happy that I have my Easter decorations out!  And I'm happy that I got some Easter candy over the weekend.  I can hear it calling me and tempting me from the pantry (I really think candy can taunt you...).  I'm resisting the urge and am staying on my diet!

4.  I read a whole book today.  In one day.  I liked it.  It made me laugh.  YAY for English writers and their funny words! 

5.  Blake telling me tonight that he plans on being the "mini Jimmer."  Yup.  The next lil' Jimmer is in da house.  MY house! ;)


The Miranda's said...

mini jimmer uh? that's actually really cute! I love it! I love that you told your husband not be jealous of spring...and you're not pregnant?!? oh ok.

Gentry said...

So, the name of the book is? Your readers like to laugh too ;-) That's why we are reading your blog!