Saturday, January 29, 2011


Blake is sick.  I received a call from the school on Thursday.  Actually, I didn't receive the call for about 20 minutes.  OOPS!  I think the nurse (who wasn't very nice) was kinda mad at me.  Sorry, lady.  I totally fell asleep.  And I was in the library earlier and had my phone on silent.  In the future, I will always (most of the time) remember to change the phone back over to normal.  Anyway, the nurse wanted to tell me Blake had a fever of 103 (and yes, feel free to sing the song, "Hot Blooded.").

When I finally bolted up to see I missed several calls from the school, I sped over to pick up my sickie.  And we've been sick ever since.  We?  Do I have a mouse in my pocket?  No.  I mean Blake passed evil germs to Lola.  And Lola and Blake passed said evil germs to me.  Thanks for sharing!

Blake's had a fever off and on since Thursday.  Tonight he told me he has a sore throat.  Dr. Sarah (that's me) checked his throat.  Revelation?  Tiny red spots on the roof of his mouth?  Diagnosis (according to Dr. Sarah)?  STREP THROAT.  Ugh.  I guess we'll be visiting the real doctor on Monday.  Since I can't prescribe medicine of any kind.

Lola decided she wanted to participate in the sick game.  In fact, I kinda think she won.  She projectile vomited last night (about 4 times consecutively) ALL over my couch and area rug.  AND MY FAVORITE BLANKIE (GASP)!!!!  It was the closest I've come to tossing my own cookies after cleaning up that mess.  Thank heavens I have a stomach of steel.  I cleaned her up and we cuddled.  Then about an hour later, she decided she should go ahead and vomit about three more times.  Soooo.....she has been okay today except for a low-grade fever off and on.

Me?  I'm just suffering from exhaustion.  And a headache.  And Blake's cough.  And some nausea (could be from the vomit smell I haven't quite cleared out of the house)......My warning to all?  STAY AWAY!   I think I need a skull and crossbones warning sign on my front door.  For reals.  I hope everyone else is staying healthy out there!!

Blake just sat around all weekend....reading, snuggling in the blanket, and blowing his nose....


Anonymous said...

That sucks. Really it does. I HATE sick kids. Hope it's all out of the house by now. Did you end up getting the barfs? How come you cant's prescribe medicine?

Anonymous said...
