Thursday, June 23, 2011


This is the THIRD summer Blake has participated in 3v3 soccer. He loves it but it has been pretty darn frustrating in the past. The teams are crazy good and it seems like they are professionals in the 3v3 world. Our boys are used to playing on a normal sized pitch so it's VERY hard for them to work in the smaller space! So basically, most of the games would end in a loss and MUCH frustration for the parents and kids. Yes, I'm a nervous wreck watching the games.

Well, last Saturday kicked off the first 3v3 tournament of the season. And I'm happy to say that The Crew (Blake's team) came in THIRD place. Which means they got a medal and qualified for regionals in Cincinnati. WOO HOO! Yeah, I know I should be a tad disappointed with third place. But believe me....those boys fought tooth and nail to win a medal. And by golly, they got it! I should also mention that their two losses were only by 3 goals total. Blake had 5 goals in 4 games and the whole team was incredible! Can't wait for the next tourney!

I should also add a P.S. the weather held out for us during the games! However, the morning of the tournament was a nightmare. It rained SO much. The fields were basically like a swamp. For reals. Lola found a puddle right off the bat. Sat in it. And was drenched. Did I bring a change of clothes? HECK no. I can't be that responsible, can I? She also broke the umbrella. And basically caused mass destruction all over! Anyway, besides dealing with that for 6 hours, it was totally fun! :)


easleyfamily said...

Way to go Blake! Third place is awesome!!!

Kristen said...

Go Blake!!