Sunday, November 7, 2010


For reals!  As you know (if you read my blog....and you should), Billy and I celebrated four years of wedded bliss on November 4th.  Of course we weren't able to spend our anniversary together but we went out the next night.  Where did we go?  Only COURTSIDE to the Indiana Pacers game.  That is right.  The tickets say row 1, seats 3 and 4.  Jealous?  Even if you aren't a sports fan of any kind (GASP), you would probably still enjoy sitting on the flipping WOOD of a basketball court (while a game is going on, of course).  Here are some things I noticed while sitting in said row ONE at Conseco Fieldhouse.

1.  My shoes look AWESOME right there on the court (well, on the carpet which is on the edge of the court).  I should sit there more often!

2.  I caught Tyler  Hansbrough looking at me at LEAST five times.  Billy didn't see it.  But of course I did! ;)

Tyler is the player in the white shirt and you can clearly (okay, not that clearly) see him looking my way!
3.  I noticed my husband actually ACTIVELY participates in the game (though is not nearly the fan I am) when he's sitting super close to the court!  And I noticed how cute he is when holding the adorable Lola!

4.  Basketball players are REALLY tall.  Especially when they are right in your face....I mean, so close you don't have to zoom in at all on your camera.  And in some moments, you kinda have to lean back to get a proper photo of them.  Um, that was pretty sweet; I'm not going to lie!

5.  The camera guys like Lola.  She was on the jumbotron (in fact all three of us were on the jumbotron) for a LONG time.  I felt kinda silly (but secretly kinda cool....and a tad famous or something).  As if the world will now KNOW me because I was on the jumbotron.  Not likely.  But maybe...... ;)

I am aware of the fact that I look REALLY old in this photo!
6.  I don't have a photo to go along with this.  But I noticed that people who heckle players are TOTALLY annoying.  We were blessed to have those seats but to the guy two rows behind us from Milwaukee, you kinda ruined the moment(s).  He was crazy.  My favorite quote from him?  "All is right in the world."  He was a little dramatic.  I think he might be up for an Oscar this year so be sure to look for him.  And to my favorite person sitting next to me (who wasn't Billy), thank you (sarcasm) for heckling the Milwaukee players.  You, too, were very annoying.  We know some of their players were a little old (for basketball player standards).  But really?  They didn't need to "get their walkers off the court."  Also, he should have noted that each time he yelled something stupid to the players, they scored.  Moral of the story?  Heckling=points on the scoreboard for the person you are pestering=stupid idea.  So save your breath.

Anyway, speaking of me thinking of being famous, of course I taped the game at home, in hopes of seeing us on TV.  And here we are.  It's a bit blurry, but still, I'm totally going to be famous now!  Ha!  And where was Blake, you might be wondering?  Well, he had plans with his dad.  He wasn't too bummed to miss out on this opportunity but he did want me to take plenty of photos.  Which I think I did pretty well, don't ya agree?!?

That is me in the green and Billy (who looks slightly deformed) holding Lola on his lap!

And again.  We were SOOOOO close!
And so I conclude that life as a VIP is pretty darn sweet.  Thank you, Alan and Beth, for thinking of us and for letting us sit so close to the Pacer players that I could have actually touched them.  And secretly (but now the secret is out) I was tempted to touch a calf or two on several occasions.  But I thought they (mainly Danny Granger) might think that was weird.  So I didn't.  But the point is that I COULD have.....because I was THAT close.  The end.


Lola is now obsessed with the program from the game.  She takes it everywhere and looks for pictures of Boomer (the mascot) who always comes to say hi to her at the games.  She is totally scared of him in real life but she sure loves "Boo," as she calls him, when she sees him in photos!

This is at the mall.  She looked at it in the car on the drive there and couldn't part with it when we went inside!


Michelle said...

Well Sarah.... I guess I need to get your autograph now! First the jumbotron, next Hollywood!!! Love ya!

Lee said...

THAT IS SO AWESOME!! I am totally missing INDIANA!! Love you gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen Billy looking like that. It took me a minute to see that it was him.

The Clayburn Family said...

Not just a little jealous . . . super jealous!! So glad you got to go! What a great experience!!

Lauren said...

I am so glad you guys could celebrate in such a fun way. The Mowreys really are the BEST.

Anonymous said...

Ok Famous Person, I read that whole thing and I am trying to appreciate how cool that was for you. I know I would think it is cool and I am not a huge sports person, so I can only imagine what it was like for you. BUT, the thing that I CANNOT get over is the fact that your Lola is well enough behaved that you could take her to that game and not worry about her running straight into that game. Julianna would have lasted about 15 seconds. I am way more impressed with that than the butt shot. (Although quite nice.)

Rebecca said...

Oh. Wow. That is SO COOL! Happy Anniverary to both of you!

Jennifer McCallister said...

Awesome!!!!! And the part about watching it on tv and seeing yourself... even better! Happy Anniversary!