Thursday, September 30, 2010

According To Me!

I'm thinking I should publish a post every now and then simply featuring my opinion on.....stuff!  So here it first "according to me" blog!

As I was out walking today, a car drove by with a house divided license plate (and of course, it got me thinking.....).  Apparently one person in the house likes Purdue and the other likes IU.  HUH?!?!?!  Now I see these types of plates all the time when I'm in Kentucky.  Somebody in the family likes U of L.  And somebody likes UK.  Again......HUH?!?!?!

Now, as a U of L alumni and a die hard fan, I couldn't imagine marrying a UK fan.  I'm pretty sure questions like this should come up fairly early in the relationship.  Right?  I mean, I knew Billy was a Yankee hater and I am a big time Yankee LOVER.  However, I could handle it because at least he wasn't a RED SOX fan!!!  See what I'm saying?  Like, I don't think a Duke fan would marry a North Carolina fan.  Or should I say I don't think it's wise??!?  I thought this was all pretty self explanatory!

So here's life according to me:  those people who live in a "house divided" either aren't really that into their teams.  OR......they have A LOT of tension in their homes during basketball, football, baseball seasons or what have you.  Just sayin'.......


The Miranda's said...

Interesting viewpoint...I'm pretty sure your synopsis is spot on.

Anonymous said...

Stacy said...
I graduated from UofL, however, am a huge UK fan in Basketball season. I do not care for Football but if i were to root for anyone it would be Notre Dame and UK. Do they have one of those in the "house divided" plates? heehee You are so funny!

easleyfamily said...

Love you :)you make me laugh!!!