Sunday, September 5, 2010


So today we decided to do something.  We have to cherish every moment we have when Billy is home!  What did we do, you ask?  I know you're dying to know!  We went....wait for the ZOO!  Little Lola is MORE than obsessed with animals so I can't believe we waited so long to take her to a zoo.  We are lame, I know.  But today was the day.  The weather was PERFECT!  We had a super fantabulous time!

Before I post photos and you wonder why we only have Lola in them, I should explain that while we were at the zoo, Blake was here:

This is Chicago, by the way!  He was attending a Chicago Fire v. LA Galaxy game with his dad!  They had a GREAT time!  We missed him at the zoo but soccer is way more important to him! ;)

*WARNING*  The rest of the blog is full of EXTREME photo footage of our trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  I don't think it's hazardous to your health. But your eyes might get tired of staring at the computer screen for a long time.  So consider yourself warned, my friends.

Yeah, this is our attempt at a family self portrait!  HA HA!  Lola's eyes are incredible...we just wanted to highlight that! :)

My favorite shot of the day!

Hope your eyeballs still work!  For reals!  :)


The Miranda's said...

I'm so glad you guys had fun at the zoo..maybe one of these days we'll make it there!

The Clayburn Family said...

It seems like Lola loves flowers as much as she loves animals. She sure is growing up quickly. That looked like a great day to visit the zoo since the weather was outstanding! Blake looks happy as can be too. What a fun time for him!! Glad you enjoyed your time with the hubs!

easleyfamily said...

Looks like lots of fun! AND...I'm impressed there are actually pictures of YOU, cute girl! You look fabulous, as always!

Anonymous said...

Ok TENNY TINY!!! I'll never believe another word that comes out of your mouth! That was my favorite shot of Lola as well--the one at the end. She is soooo blonde and beauitful-like someone else I know! Glad you got to see Billy again.

*A* said...

Ummmm HELLO, you look so pretty and if I don't say so make cute babies so I think its time for #3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!