Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Shamrock Shuffle!

I got a weekend away!  *SIGH*  It was amazing!  I love going back to Kentucky but this time was extra special because I returned to Georgetown/Lexington!  I don't get there as often as I'd like!  My friends and I decided to run a little race called the Shamrock Shuffle.  It was a blast.  I won't mention my frustration with the dogs and strollers.  I will mention that I will know going into it next year that I will have to be okay with just walking.  Avoiding said dogs and strollers got to be quite a headache! 

Yes, I'm still injured.  But yes, I'm still planning on the mini marathon in about a month.  Crazy?  Maybe.  But this will be done.  Even if I have to walk half (or all) of it! ;)

Anyway, it was so nice to get a little break (thank you, Billy)!  Things have been a little chaotic lately.  And you may have noticed, I haven't even had the time to blog!  Or maybe you haven't noticed.  *sniffle*  Seeing dear friends is always a good way to recharge the ol' battery!  I feel like I have a new lease on life.  At least for now.  I probably won't be saying that in a day or two (or even five minutes from now).

A big thanks to my wonderful friend, Jenny and her family for allowing me to stay at their house!  It's always hard to host me during March Madness.  At least I got to watch the important games!  And I didn't scream and wake up the whole house!  Oh and can you believe this gal hasn't written ANY blogs about the madness I call the NCAA tournament?  I know.  Crazy.  So I will say a big congrats to the Cards for making it to the Sweet 16!  WOO HOO!  Thursday can't come soon enough!  And with that, I will post the only pictures I took from the weekend.  I apologize they are all small because they were all taken from my phone.  But hey...some is better than none.  Right?  Hope you all had a fabulous St. Patrick's Day!  May the luck of the Irish be with you ALL year long! :)


Unknown said...

You're so fun! I love it

Unknown said...

Oops, that unknown is me Andra