There's been some stuff we've been up to. Aren't we always up to something?!? I just wanted to clump all the events together so I wouldn't have to make a gajillion (roughly) little blogs! YAY! So first up? We went to the
Children's Museum AGAIN!!!! We had to, though! In December, they have this thing called the yule slide. The kids LOVE it! Lola was a little scared (and covered her face the whole time down)! Blake and I had a blast racing each other. I think he won (maybe). I mean, I wasn't really paying attention. Or something. Okay, he beat me BIG TIME!!!! Then Lola dressed up like a frog in the frog exhibit. It was awesome. And the best part of the day? Probably when Billy put on a tutu to walk Lola out on the runway in the Barbie exhibit. Yeah. It was funny. And embarrassing. But mostly funny!
I love that I caught her RIGHT in the middle of her twirl! :) |
Okay so there's that. What else is new?
1. Well, Blake has started basketball (woo hoo)! He's doing really well and I LOVE watching him practice! The games start in January! :)
2. Lola and Blake went to Build A Bear about a week ago. Blake built a Pacers fox. Fox? Yeah. He named him Granger (for
Danny Granger)! Lola built a Hello Kitty. She loves her Kitty Kat (the name she picked out)!
3. Blake had Rigby (a stuffed dog) for school for a week. So he came around with us on many errands. One of them was to soccer practice. Despite the gang load of germs I'm sure he carried, we all had a lot of fun with him (well, mainly Lola and Blake).
4. Blake went to a birthday party for his friend, Drew at a place called
Snapperz. They had a blast!
And that wraps up the happenings in the life of the Yadon clan!
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