Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life Lessons

I thought it would be fun to do a blog a day for a week!  It's been a while since I've done that.  They won't be long blogs but hey, that's okay!  I've decided to write about life lessons.  I have many of them daily.  So it shouldn't be hard to post one a day for a week! :)

Today's life lesson:  DO NOT (under any circumstance) buy the all new (and amazing) pretzel m&ms when you are trying to diet.  Believe me, it will sabotage everything you've worked toward.  What happened to my willpower?!?!  I used to be so good at NOT eating bad (but oh so tasty) things.  Hmmmm.....well, I guess tomorrow will be a better day!  But beware, let my lesson be a lesson to you! :)

Come back tomorrow for another life lesson from Sarah Yadon!


Katie said...

OK honey, I love you, I love you dearly, but self deprivation is hardly a life lesson you goon! COme on---we learn much harder lessons everyday don't we? Tis the curse of the DeLuca women...and the men too I suppose. Love you!

Katie said...

PS--Pretzel M&M's? How have I not had these seemingly tasty wonders???

Sweet Tweets Boutique said...

You liked those thing? Ewwww, I too fell for the "Yummy" trap, but threw them away cause they were DISGUSTING! It's a good thing, I didn't feel bad afterwards:-)

Anonymous said...

OH! I have never heard of them!!! I might have to try them out. Although I have been REALLY good this week so I don't want to mess it up!