Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life Lesson Number Two!

I have been going through the stuff in my house trying to prepare for our neighborhood yard sale this Saturday!  I have so much JUNK (but possibly someone else's "treasure").  What I noticed is that my children have A LOT of toys.  I mean a lot.  The thing that gets me is they don't play with half of them.  So my life lesson should be not to buy my children so many useless things.  However, I think my lesson today is:  no matter how many toys your children have, they will probably rather play with random household items.  Case in point:
Tupperware is clearly a lot more entertaining than toys!

Playing in the refrigerator is also pretty awesome!  Just ask Lola!


Katie said..., dogs, same difference when you're talking about all the crap you buy that they don't play with. Of all the stuff I've bought Schnitzel to play with, his favorite thing is an empty two-liter bottle. One more way dogs are like children. :)

Anonymous said...

Cute!! Julianna loves to take out my diet coke cans one at a time. Then she takes one and pretends to drink it. She always ends with a smile because she sees the positive effect it has in my life.