Monday, February 22, 2010
The GRAND Finale!!!!
This is the story of a girl who met a boy (on the internet....yes, the internet). They fell in love and began a long distance romance (tee hee....I said "romance"). Anyway, he was definitely her prince charming. He swept her off her feet and everything (but not literally)!
At long last, my readers, you get the story of the proposal! I promise no Billys were harmed in the making of this blog (well, except a little harmless teasing and a slight bruised ego)!
I really did meet Billy online (we love to share that story....and by "we", I mean me because Billy is totally embarassed by it). Anyway, he lived in California and I lived in Kentucky. We met in person for the first time in Utah (I was at a friend's house---shout out to Amy) and he was at his sister's. We clicked from the start and the rest is history! I guess I have to share the history because everyone wants to know how my knight in shining armor convinced me to marry him!
After graduating from Chiropractic school, Billy moved home to Seattle. I was living in Utah (I'm kind-of a gypsy). I decided it was time to take a giant leap. I was going to move VERY far away from all my friends and family.....all in the name of love. I was willing to take that risk so I did. My parents really wanted an engagement before I moved but that didn't happen. Apparently they didn't want me to go traipsing all over the country for some dude. Moving is slightly expensive!
Speed it up? Okay. I wasn't there too long before Billy started to be a little sneaky. I didn't really suspect anything because I figured we were pretty much already getting married! We had talked about it and I didn't really want a ring. So in my mind, we were kinda already engaged. We like to tell ourselves this (am I right, ladies???) so we feel better!
So one day, he got his parents to watch Blake and decided to take me out on a date! We started out at lunch (did you guess Taco Bell? Because if you did, you are correct). Then with a little foreshadowing, we started a bridal registry at a massive Target in Seattle.
We concluded our venture at the Space Needle. There may have been some type of dinner somewhere but my brain doens't work that much anymore so I can't remember! We went to the top and enjoyed looking at all the city lights at night. Then we sat down at a table. Billy tossed something across the table. I picked up said something and realized it was a Taco Bell hot sauce packet. You know the one....the one that says, "will you marry me?" OH NO he didn't. But YES he did! I love it! The real kicker came when he got the ring out of his pocket. He put it on my finger but wouldn't let me look at it! WHAT?!?!?!?! He didn't want to draw attention to us and the fact that we were newly engaged. Awesome (sarcasm). So here I was, with my hot sauce packet, wanting so desperately to look at my new bling. Alas, I had to wait until we left the Space Needle and the hordes of people who would never see me again!
Truth is that I give Billy a lot of (negative) flack for this. But secretly? I love it! I wouldn't have wanted it any other way! And the other truth is my sweet Billy ordered a Louisville slugger baseball bat for me. He had it custom ordered with a proposal engraved into the bat! Unfortunately, the slugger didn't arrive in time for our date night. The hot sauce packet was a last minute replacement idea! My favorite detail? The way he flung it across the table at me as if to say, "oh by the way....." I wouldn't have wanted him to fling a bat at me anyway! OUCH!
And here we are! Now we live in Indiana. We are still happy and still very much in love! And as you all know, I still love Taco Bell and now it kinda holds a special place in my heart! :)
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HaHa! That is so Billy. Not only the hot sauce packet but him giving you the ring and not letting you look at it.
I always love to hear the how-we-met-and-fell-in-love story! Awesome. Thanks for sharing!
Oh so sweet! You really are a sap in disguise, aren't you! Well, since I have been using your blog to communicate with you I will continue... Julianna woke up at 12:45am throwing up. That is also the time I was up for the DAY! She barfed every 8-10 min until 7am. It was the saddest thing. Now I am exhausted and she is sleeping the day away. Zzzzz... I'll call tomorrow.
cool story - the bat thing was a cool idea. So, where did Billy live in California? Have you guys already told me and I forgot? How cool of a city is Seattle?
jenny....this is the sappiest i will EVER be! don't forget it! alan....billy spent half his life in palmdale (and orange county) and he went to chiro school in san jose. so he was all over that state! seattle was AWESOME! his family is still there. we loved it but it is sooooo expensive. that being said, i would move back if i could! :)
I'm sure I heard this before, but it was fun to hear it again. We sure are glad you kids hooked up. ;)
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