Oh yeah, I do! My electricity is WORKING! I mean, sure I may have been up at 2:30 AM never returning to a blissful slumber. Instead I was enjoying a one-sided conversation with the evil wind that was keeping me up ALL. NIGHT. LONG. But the most important thing? The power is still on.....for now!
I will go ahead and apologize in advance if this post doesn't make sense. I have slept a total of about 6 hours over the last couple days! I've been so worried about losing power and taking care of these kiddos by myself that I haven't been able to rest. Blah. I also don't dig being trapped in the house. Not at all. Sometimes it's nice to just laze around so I guess there are some good things to come of it. What are they?
1. I won't spend any money on, say, groceries or fountain drinks.......oh how I wish I had a fountain drink.
2. I will save A LOT of money on gas since I haven't left the house in several days. And by the looks of the outside, I won't be leaving for many more to come (not even to check the mail...). Yay for saving money! Boo for being trapped!
And that's about it, folks. Those are the only good things I can come up with. Mostly I'm just frustrated with the fact that Blake and Lola seem to be bugging each other (and ME)! I mean, yeah, we've all been together ALL day, every day since Friday (because Blake had to stay home from school Friday and Monday due to his illness) but c'mon....can't we all just get along?!?
Soooo......does anyone have a Zamboni I can borrow for a few hours? Just so I can drive safely on the ice? I figured that would be a good vehicle to go tooling around town! Right?
Anyway, here are some photos I've taken of the ice that is holding us all hostage here in the great state of Indiana. Stay safe, Hoosiers (and everyone else experiencing the WORST WINTER EVER)!!!!!!
This is the first day of the ice storm. Can you see the ice jutting out from the car (not mine, by the way....)? CRAZY! |
All a solid sheet of ice with a little bit of snow mixed in! |
Our frozen block of ice coming out of the drain pipe! |
Lola was having fun TRASHING the house. And yeah, we have been in pajamas for a long time! |
My kids come up with interesting ways to entertain themselves! |
This is from today....after more sleet and snow! |
The crazy wind has, as you can see, blown the snow all the way up to the front door!
***On a side note.....I sure hope that groundhog was right. Because I'm pretty sure I can't handle much more of this weather! Continue to hope and pray we keep our power please! I'm running out of ways to entertain these kidlets. And without power? Well, you might as well put me in a loony bin! :)
***Also....I had to share a Blakeism. He sure isn't loving all this weather. His thoughts? Last night he randomly said, "I wish we could be teleported to Florida." Me, too, kiddo. Me, too!!! Awwww, that Blake makes me chuckle! Now let's work on that teleporting thing. Because that would be AWESOME!